Division Math Practice Test for 3rd Grade – [Easy]

Table of Contents

    When your child embarks on the exciting journey of 3rd-grade math, one skill that often brings about curiosity and sometimes even a bit of apprehension is division. At Brighterly, our mission is to illuminate this essential math concept and make it as engaging as possible for your budding mathematician. Let’s demystify division and transform it from a challenging task into a delightful experience.

    What is Division?

    Imagine having 10 chocolates and you want to share them equally among 5 friends. How many chocolates would each friend get? Division, in its simplest form, is the act of splitting or sharing something into equal parts. In this example, each friend would get 2 chocolates. It’s like reverse multiplication! If multiplication is about finding the total when you group certain amounts together, division is about figuring out how many are in each group when you know the total.

    Why is Division Important?

    1. Real-Life Applications: From sharing a pizza among friends to splitting the cost on a group gift, division is everywhere in our daily lives.
    2. Foundation for Advanced Math: Concepts like fractions, decimals, and ratios all require a solid understanding of division.
    3. Cultivates Problem-Solving Skills: Grasping division means honing one’s ability to approach and solve problems logically and systematically.

    Brighterly’s Tips for Mastering Division in 3rd Grade

    1. Visualize with Objects: Use everyday items like beads or toy cars. Physically dividing them into groups can help children understand the concept better.
    2. Practice with Brighterly’s Division Worksheets: We’ve crafted specially designed worksheets that cater to various levels, ensuring a smooth learning curve.
    3. Play Math Games: Make learning division fun with interactive games that test and strengthen division skills.
    4. Discuss Real-life Scenarios: Relate division to scenarios in their daily life, such as sharing snacks or splitting chores.

    Wrapping It Up

    The journey of learning division in the 3rd grade might seem daunting at first. But with the right approach, tools, and a sprinkle of fun, it transforms into an engaging learning experience. At Brighterly, we’re always here to brighten your child’s path to mathematical excellence. Dive into division and watch your child’s confidence and skills multiply!

    Division Practice Test for 3rd Grade

    Get ready for math lessons with Brighterly! Designed with young learners in mind, this easy level test offers a gentle introduction to the world of division.

    1 / 17

    How many candies will each child receive if 12 candies are shared equally among 3 children?

    2 / 17

    Divide 8 toys equally between 4 kids. How many toys does each kid get?

    3 / 17

    If 15 cookies are shared among 5 friends, how many cookies does each friend get?

    4 / 17

    You have 20 apples. If you divide them into groups of 5, how many groups will you have?

    5 / 17

    Lisa has 18 pencils. She wants to put them in boxes of 3. How many boxes will she need?

    6 / 17

    10 marbles are divided equally into 2 boxes. How many marbles are in one box?

    7 / 17

    If you distribute 21 books among 3 students, how many books does each student receive?

    8 / 17

    Tom shared his 16 chocolates equally among 4 friends including himself. How many chocolates did each get?

    9 / 17

    6 balloons are divided among 3 kids. How many balloons does each kid get?

    10 / 17

    There are 12 cupcakes and they are shared equally among 4 students. How many cupcakes does each student get?

    11 / 17

    Jake has 9 stickers. He gives 3 stickers to each of his friends. How many friends did he share the stickers with?

    12 / 17

    If 28 candies are shared equally between 4 children, how many candies will each child get?

    13 / 17

    Sarah divides her 14 hairpins equally between her 2 dolls. How many hairpins does each doll get?

    14 / 17

    If you divide 25 jellybeans among 5 jars, how many jellybeans will you put in each jar?

    15 / 17

    You have 30 beads and you want to make 6 bracelets. If each bracelet has an equal number of beads, how many beads will be on each bracelet?

    16 / 17

    If 24 pencils are divided among 6 students, how many pencils does each student get?

    17 / 17

    A farmer divides 27 carrots equally among 9 rabbits. How many carrots does each rabbit get?

    Your score is


    Poor Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Mediocre Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Needs Improvement
    Start practicing math regularly to avoid your child`s math scores dropping to C or even D.
    High Potential
    It's important to continue building math proficiency to make sure your child outperforms peers at school.

    Want your kid to excel in math?

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