
Find a math tutor near me: Math teachers by locations

Select a location on the math lessons near me page. Choose your location so we can connect you with a tutor who is a good fit for you.

Math teachers in the USA

💁 Get top-notch math tutoring near me in one click
🧑‍🏫 Hundreds of verified reviews from satisfied learners
📝 Personalized learning adapted to your child’s needs
🚀 We guarantee to improve your child's math grades
Find a math tutor near me: Math teachers by locations

Math tutor near me: Meet our best teachers

We offer hundreds of highly qualified teachers from various locations, each providing personalized, high-quality education


Maria Teresa Montoya

Math tutor and author at Brighterly

Certified teacher with 5 years of experience.


Rachelle Bencio Yu

Math tutor and author at Brighterly

Certified teacher with 15 years of experience.


Cristina Mortel

Math tutor and author at Brighterly

Certified teacher with 3 years of experience.

Our private math tutors near you: What math programs do they use?

Brighterly math programs for kids cover grades 1-8 and feature both fundamental and advanced concepts.

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Pic (4)
Grade 1 - 3
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Tens and Ones
  • Place Value
  • Measuring Length
Pic (2) (1)
Grade 4 – 6
  • Fractions
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Volume
  • Two-Dimensional Shapes
Pic (3) (1)
Grade 7 – 8
  • Ratios
  • Unit Rates
  • Absolute Value
  • Percent Problems
  • Graphs of Linear Functions

Brighterly math tutors near me: Reviews

Brighterly is the top choice for your child's math education, easily found by googling 'tutoring school near meʼ. Check out the reviews from parents of our elementary and middle school students to see for yourself.

Aug 7, 2023

Child was engaged throughout the lesson

The teacher was patient with my daughter and walked her through the process. He asked follow-up questions to ensure a complete understanding of the lesson.

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May 25, 2024

I see improvements in my child's grades

I see a lot of improvement in my child's Math grades. The teacher is a professional in Math teaching skills. My child is so happy to have tutoring with Brighterly.

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Jul 29, 2022

Excited for our continued lessons

Christine helps Andrew understand the different kinds of math equations and answers. We are very grateful and excited for our continued lessons.

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Jul 5, 2022

A fun way to learn math

Engaging my daughter in learning is quite a challenge. The good thing about Brighterly is that she learns math through games and gains extra knowledge, like about dinosaurs. Now she's expecting every lesson with excitement :)

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Brighterly private math tutors near me: Cost from $19.5/lesson

Brighterly private math tutors near me: Cost from <span>$19.5/lesson</span>

Find affordable math tuition near me at Brighterly, where quality education meets great value!

The price of our lessons varies depending on the Learning Membership period you select and how many lessons per week your child needs.
Explore our prices Brighterly private math tutors near me: Cost from <span>$19.5/lesson</span>

Mathematics tutor near me: Brighterly tutors and programs benefits

If you’re trying to find the best “math programs and tutors near me” here’s why Brighterly is an excellent choice. Our platform has top-notch math tutors, a personalized learning approach, and an award-winning curriculum.


1 to 1 math tutoring - a personalized approach

One common factor you’ll find when searching “tutors for math near me” is that many platforms hold group tutoring. However, with our tutoring services, your kid gets to enjoy one-on-one classes. This means that our tutors give kids personalized attention, catering to each student’s specific needs and goals.

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Math learning for kids - anywhere, anytime

Brighterly is an excellent choice for any parent still googling “maths coaching near me”. Since the classes are all online, your kid can learn math wherever they are. You can also schedule classes according to your availability and convenience.

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Homework help and grade improvement

Brighterly tutors assist your child in overcoming learning gaps, completing homework, and reinforcing strengths. With our math platform, your kid will gain confidence and see an improvement in their math grades.

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Adaptive math learning program

Brighterly also offers an adaptive curriculum, meaning that the lessons are adjusted to meet each student’s specific learning needs and goals. So, if you’re trying to find the best “math programs near me” the Brighterly math platform is perfect for you!

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We connect students with top-notch tutors

The best math tutoring near me is here! Give your kid a high-quality math education.
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