Subtraction Math Practice Test for 3rd Grade – [Easy]

Table of Contents

    Subtraction is one of the fundamental arithmetic operations that everyone uses in their daily lives. For 3rd graders, it’s a key concept to master, setting the foundation for more complex mathematical problems in the future. Here at Brighterly, we believe in making math fun, interactive, and easily digestible for young minds. Let’s dive deep into the world of subtraction for third graders!

    The Magic of Taking Away

    When we talk about subtraction, we’re essentially discussing the idea of “taking away.” Imagine you have a basket of 10 apples. If you remove 3 apples, you’re left with 7. This can be represented mathematically as: 10−3=7 This idea may seem simple, but for 3rd graders, visualizing and internalizing this concept is crucial. It’s not just about numbers on paper but understanding what those numbers represent.

    • Visual Aids: Using objects, like fruits or toys, can help solidify the concept. Brighterly offers a range of interactive tools and games that make this process both fun and educational.

    The Importance of Place Values

    Subtraction in 3rd grade also introduces children to borrowing or regrouping when dealing with larger numbers. For instance, when trying to subtract 58 from 74, one must understand the place values of each digit.

    • Breaking it Down: When subtracting numbers column by column, starting from the rightmost column (the units place), sometimes we need to borrow from the next column (the tens place) to get the correct result. Brighterly’s place value tutorials are an invaluable resource in this area.

    Real-Life Applications: Why Subtraction Matters

    Subtraction isn’t just a classroom exercise; it’s a life skill! Whether it’s calculating change after buying a toy or determining how much time is left until a favorite TV show, subtraction is everywhere.

    • Practical Examples: A good way to teach subtraction is to relate it to everyday situations. If a child buys a $5 toy with a $10 note, how much change will they get back? These real-world scenarios make subtraction more relatable and, therefore, easier to understand. Don’t miss out on Brighterly’s collection of real-life math stories for kids.

    In conclusion, subtraction is an exciting journey of discovery for third graders. With the right resources, guidance, and a touch of fun from platforms like Brighterly, every child can become a subtraction superstar! So, parents and teachers, let’s empower our young learners to embrace and enjoy the world of math.

    Subtraction Practice Test for 3rd Grade

    Get ready for math lessons with Brighterly! At Brighterly, we believe in crafting experiences that make math both fun and enlightening. This test has been designed with simplicity and clarity in mind, making it perfect for young learners who are starting their subtraction journey.

    1 / 17

    If Emma had 10 apples and she gave 3 to her friend, how many apples does she have left?

    2 / 17

    After spending 6 stickers from a total of 14, how many stickers are remaining?

    3 / 17

    There were 12 birds on a tree. 4 flew away. How many birds are left on the tree?

    4 / 17

    Subtract the number of fingers on one hand from 10. What do you get?

    5 / 17

    Tom has 15 marbles and he loses 5. How many marbles does he have now?

    6 / 17

    In a box of 20 chocolates, if you eat 7, how many are left?

    7 / 17

    There were 9 cats. 2 ran away. How many cats are there now?

    8 / 17

    Your toy cars were 11 and 3 were taken by your brother. How many toy cars do you have left?

    9 / 17

    If you have 17 balloons and 5 popped, how many balloons do you have now?

    10 / 17

    If you subtract the number of days in a weekend from 10, what number do you get?

    11 / 17

    If there were 18 fish in the tank and 6 swam away, how many fish are left in the tank?

    12 / 17

    Subtract the number of months in a year from 20. What is the result?

    13 / 17

    If you read 13 pages of a book and have 9 pages left to read, how many pages is the book in total?

    14 / 17

    From a basket of 20 oranges, you give 7 to your neighbor. How many oranges are left in your basket?

    15 / 17

    You find 16 seashells at the beach and decide to give 4 to your friend. How many seashells do you have left?

    16 / 17

    If a baker made 23 cookies and sold 7, how many cookies does he have left?

    17 / 17

    Subtract the number of wheels on a bicycle from 12. What number do you get?

    Your score is


    Poor Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Mediocre Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Needs Improvement
    Start practicing math regularly to avoid your child`s math scores dropping to C or even D.
    High Potential
    It's important to continue building math proficiency to make sure your child outperforms peers at school.

    Want your kid to excel in math?

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