
Expert Math Tutors for 4th Grade: Learn with Brighterly

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Brighterly's 4th grade math tutoring programs:

  • offer an interactive learning experience
  • follow the US school curriculum
  • personalize the classes based on students’ needs
  • provide progress reports for parents 

Math for 4 graders has specific goals and objectives, such as solving algebraic problems, coordinating grids, and calculating volume and area. It’s a critical stage when children develop a foundation for advanced math, so it’s worth investing in 1:1 math lessons.

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4th grade math lessons with Brighterly: Math topics and lessons

Wondering what your child will learn during Brighterly’s 4th grade tutoring sessions? Here is a brief overview of the topics they’ll cover with a 1:1 math tutor for 4th grade.

4th grade Common Core curriculum outline

Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction
Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction
Understand how place value and rounding help add and subtract larger numbers.
Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement
Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement
Learn how to convert units within the metric system, such as centimeters to meters, and use them to solve measurement problems.
Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
Learn how to multiply and divide multi-digit numbers to get ready to solve more complex problems.
Angle Measure and Plane Figures
Angle Measure and Plane Figures
Explore different types of angles and learn about plane figures like triangles, squares, and circles.
Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations
Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations
Understand fractions better and learn how to order them to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Decimal Fractions
Decimal Fractions
Learn how to work with decimal fractions by comparing, ordering, and performing basic operations.
Exploring Measurement with Multiplication
Exploring Measurement with Multiplication
Use multiplication to solve measurement problems, such as finding the mass, length, and volume of objects.

Math for 4th graders: Free-level test

Before booking math lessons, you might want to see which areas your child struggles in most. Have your child take the free-level test below for a comprehensive analysis of your child’s 4th grade math skills.

Free Online 4th Grade Math Diagnostic Test

Questions: 12
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Personalized math help for 4th graders

Our tutors boost your child’s grades with fun, customized lessons.
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4th grade math online: Tips to help your child excel


Invest in personalized math lessons for 4th grade

If your child is falling behind in class or simply not getting enough practice at school, they may benefit from 1:1 classes. Brighterly offers personalized learning plans for each student, so they progress at their own pace.

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Work with the right 4th grade math tutor

After your free Brighterly demo, we’ll match your child with a 4th grade tutor perfectly suited to their experience, personality, and learning needs. Our tutors have a vast range of grade 4 math resources at their disposal.

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Make math fun

Instead of going ahead with the stereotypical “math is hard” narrative, children will jump on the “math is fun” train with Brighterly! Our online tutoring for 4th graders makes math fun, so your child enjoys each lesson.

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Use various online 4th grade math resources

Fourth grade math lessons work best when your child puts in the effort in their own time. This includes completing their homework and reviewing the topics regularly. Brighterly’s free math worksheets are a great place to start!

View 4th grade math worksheets

Meet our top math tutors for 4th grade!


Maria Teresa Montoya

Math tutor 4th grade and author at Brighterly

Experience: 5 years
Grades: 1-8

Maila Caliao

Math tutor 4th grade and author at Brighterly

Experience: 3 years
Grades: 1-11
Frame 3557 (1)

Cristina Mortel

Math tutor 4th grade and author at Brighterly

Experience: 3 years
Grades: 1-11

Brighterly math tutors for 4th grade: Reviews from parents

You don’t have to search “4th grade math tutor near me” on Google anymore — Brighterly’s tutors are only one click away. We’ve worked with over 200,000 parents looking for online tutoring for 4th graders. Check out our reviews below:

Sep 23, 2024

We would like to study with Miss Monica

I like how Miss Monica took her time and broke each problem down. We would like to work with her further.

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Oct 7, 2024

Wonderful Experience!

The tutor was very sweet and knowledgeable about the math reviewed. It was indeed a pleasure to have her conduct the demo with my son.

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Oct 17, 2024

Excellent math class for my kids

Excellent math class for my kids. I was looking to enroll them in a math class and had to search before I finally settled for Brighterly and I am impressed so far.

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Oct 19, 2024

Teacher Grace is great!

Teacher Grace is amazing!! She can teach my daughter very well without letting her bored.

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Math help for 4th graders: Free online worksheets

While it’s unlikely that you’ll find a free online math tutor for 4th grade, there are many free resources to complement your online lessons. Start with these free math worksheets for 4th graders: