How do you calculate the percentage difference between the two numbers?
Updated on July 18, 2023
Answer: The percentage difference between two numbers A and B can be calculated using the formula: |(A – B)| / [(A + B) / 2] * 100%.
Percentage Calculation
For example, the percentage difference between 5 and 7 is: |(5 – 7)| / [(5 + 7) / 2] * 100% = 33.33%.
FAQ on Percentage Calculation
How do you calculate the percentage change?
The percentage change between an initial value A and a final value B can be calculated using the formula: (B – A) / A * 100%.
How do you calculate the percentage increase?
The percentage increase from an initial value A to a final value B can be calculated using the formula: (B – A) / A * 100%.
How do you calculate the percentage decrease?
The percentage decrease from an initial value A to a final value B can be calculated using the formula: (A – B) / A * 100%.