What is 0.75 as a Fraction?
Updated on January 19, 2024
Answer: 0.75 as a fraction is 3/4.
Decimals to Fractions Conversion
Converting decimals to fractions involves understanding the place value of the decimal. For 0.75, the 7 is in the tenths place and the 5 is in the hundredths place, making it 75/100. This can be simplified to 43 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, 25. This skill is essential in mathematics for simplifying expressions, performing calculations, and even in practical applications like measuring ingredients or interpreting statistical data.
FAQ on Decimals to Fractions Conversion
What is 0.5 as a fraction?
0.5 as a fraction is 1/2.
What is 0.25 as a fraction?
0.25 as a fraction is 1/4.
What is 0.2 as a fraction?
0.2 as a fraction is 1/5.