What is 2% as a Fraction in Simplest Form?
Updated on January 19, 2024
Answer: 2% as a fraction in simplest form is 1/50.
Percentages as Fractions
Percentages represent a portion of a whole as parts per hundred. To convert a percentage to a fraction, place the percentage number over 100 and simplify if possible. For 2%, this becomes 2/100, which simplifies to 1/50 when divided by the greatest common divisor. This conversion is essential for understanding proportions, calculating discounts, or comparing ratios, making it a crucial concept in mathematics and its practical applications in fields like finance, statistics, and everyday decision-making.
FAQ on Percentages as Fractions
What is 5% as a fraction?
5% as a fraction is 1/20.
What is 10% as a fraction?
10% as a fraction is 1/10.
What is 25% as a fraction?
25% as a fraction is 1/4.