What is 30 percent of 500?

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    Answer: 30 percent of 500 is 150. This is calculated by multiplying 500 by 0.30 (30%).


    Calculating percentages is a crucial skill in math. To find 30% of 500, convert the percentage to a decimal (30% = 0.30) and multiply it by 500. This process helps children understand how percentages work in real-life scenarios, such as discounts, statistics, and more. This approach can be applied to any percentage calculation, enhancing numerical fluency.

    FAQ on Percentages

    What is 20% of 1000?

    20% of 1000 is 200.

    How much is 50% of 200?

    50% of 200 is 100.

    What is 10 percent of 150?

    10 percent of 150 is 15.

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