Basic Measurement Practice Test for 1st Grade – [Medium]

Table of Contents

    In the adventurous realm of first-grade mathematics, measurement stands out as a fundamental and captivating topic. It’s a way for young learners to understand the world around them, from the height of a pencil to the volume of water in their sippy cup. Dive into the world of measurement with Brighterly as we explore basic concepts tailored for first-grade minds!

    Introduction to Measurement

    The very idea of measurement revolves around comparing the size, length, or amount of things. For our budding mathematicians in the first grade, this concept can be introduced using objects they encounter daily. For instance, they can compare the length of their shoes with that of their friends. At this tender age, students begin to understand that everything in our world has a size and can be compared or measured.

    • Relative Terms: Use words like shorter, longer, taller, heavier, or lighter to describe objects. For instance, an apple might be heavier than a strawberry.
    • Everyday Activities: Engage in fun exercises like measuring the height of a pet or checking how much water fills a container.

    Tools of Measurement

    Now, while our words can offer a general idea, for precise measurements, we require tools. Let’s get acquainted with some primary instruments.

    • Rulers: These are ideal for measuring length. Students can use them to determine how long their pencils are or the width of their books.
    • Measuring Cups: Perfect for gauging the volume of liquids. This can be an exciting kitchen activity!
    • Scales: These can show how heavy something is. Maybe your child is curious about the weight of their backpack compared to their toy?

    It’s crucial to teach kids that while our eyes and words give us a rough idea, tools give us exact numbers. For more insights on the perfect tools for kids, check out Brighterly’s guide on kid-friendly measuring instruments.

    Units of Measurement

    When we measure something, we need to describe it with a unit. Think of these units as labels. If you measure the length of a toy car, you might say it’s 5 inches long. Here, “inches” is the unit.

    Common units for 1st graders include:

    • Inches or centimeters for length
    • Pounds or grams for weight
    • Cups or milliliters for volume

    A key aspect of learning units is understanding that different units are suitable for different objects. We wouldn’t, for example, measure the weight of an apple in inches! For a more exhaustive list on units of measurement for kids, explore Brighterly’s units guide.

    Basic Measurement Practice Test

    Get ready for math lessons with Brighterly! Designed with first graders in mind, this medium-difficulty test is crafted to help young learners grasp essential measurement concepts. 

    1 / 15

    Which of the following objects is typically about one inch long?


    2 / 15

    If a bottle holds 2 cups of water, how much would two bottles hold?

    3 / 15

    What can you use to measure the length of your desk?

    4 / 15

    How many feet are there in one yard?

    5 / 15

    What unit do we use to measure the weight of a person?


    6 / 15

    Which has a greater volume?

    7 / 15

    What would you use to measure the weight of a pumpkin?

    8 / 15

    Which is the shortest?

    9 / 15

    How would you measure the amount of milk in a glass?

    10 / 15

    If a toy car is 5 inches long, and another is 7 inches long, which is longer?

    11 / 15

    Which object is the lightest?

    12 / 15

    Which tool can you use to measure how tall you are?

    13 / 15

    Which object is heavier?

    14 / 15

    If you have a cup of water and pour half out, how much is left?

    15 / 15

    Which is the longest?

    Your score is


    Poor Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Mediocre Level
    Weak math proficiency can lead to academic struggles, limited college, and career options, and diminished self-confidence.
    Needs Improvement
    Start practicing math regularly to avoid your child`s math scores dropping to C or even D.
    High Potential
    It's important to continue building math proficiency to make sure your child outperforms peers at school.

    Want your kid to excel in math?

    Kid’s grade

    • Grade 1
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    • Grade 4
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    • Grade 6
    • Grade 7
    • Grade 8
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