Tricks for Learning Multiplication Tables Memorization Techniques

When it comes to elementary math, multiplication is a real challenge. Fortunately, memorizing times tables allows one to solve problems more quickly, which is an essential skill in real life.

This article will detail the easiest techniques and how to memorize the multiplication table, whether you’re a teacher looking for tips on teaching multiplication tables or a student trying to understand them.

Before we start

Kids often try to use memorization while learning math. Memorization is a valid method of learning, although it is often not the best. For example, forgetting a single step in problem solving can lead to confusion and getting stuck. A conceptual understanding of WHY before WHAT is the best way to learn math.

If you want your child to solve math problems thoughtfully, visit our Brighterly math courses page to evaluate your kid’s math understanding level.

Multiplication And Multiplication Tables – Explanation

Most youngsters struggle with multiplication, as with many other math concepts. This is often due to teachers not teaching multiplication tables properly.

Some strategies on how to teach multiplication tables do exist.

Taking things one step at a time is the way to go. Motivate your kids to learn and remember their times tables by explaining why it’s important. After that, if the children have a firm grasp of addition, you may help them make the connection between multiplication and addition.

As soon as students grasp the concept of multiplication, provide them with memory challenges to help them commit the multiplication tables to memory. Also, consider using multiplication table tricks like finger counting.

How To Learn Multiplication Tables?

Multiplication is a complex topic that requires a comprehensive comprehension of addition and subtraction. You may help your pupils better understand and use the concept by breaking down multiplication into simple, everyday language. 

If you have a multiplication problem like 2 × 3, simplify it by explaining that it consists of two sets of three, which leads to 6 total items.

You can also use games, math manipulatives, and exercises to do the job faster. Using games to learn multiplication tables is a great way to keep your children engaged and prevent them from becoming bored with the tiresome process of memorization.

How To Memorize Times Tables?

With the right approach, memorization of times tables becomes easy. The following procedures should be followed in order to achieve your goal:

Step One: Write A Multiplication Table

Have your students use colored pencils to copy a multiplication chart. The objective is for the students to become more engaged in the activity and enthusiastic about multiplication. The task will be more interesting if you use colored pencils and crayons rather than regular ones or a pen.

Step Two: Recite The Multiplication Table Forward And Backward

After the children have copied the multiplication table into their sketchbooks or onto a smaller poster, have them slowly repeat the table forward and backward. 

Let’s say, “2 times 10 is 20, 2 times 9 is 18, 2 times 8 is 16, etc.” starting with the 2’s. Recite the table backward without looking at it until your pupils master it.

Step Three: Learn From Easy To Hard

Starting with the simpler tables and working your way up to the more difficult ones is a great strategy to remember multiplication tables fast. Start with 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 before moving to 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 12, as the first set of numbers has a clear pattern that is simple to recall,

If you want to multiply a number by 10, you must add zero to the number in table 10. On the other hand, products in table 5 have either 5 or 0 as their last digit. It is safe to teach more complicated numbers once children have mastered and practiced basic ones.

Step Four: Practice Skip Counting

Practicing multiplication tables with skip counting is a simple method. Skip counting is counting at intervals of any number you like, except number one.

If you want to educate your kids to skip count, try using a song. Since music is a mnemonic technique, children will have no trouble memorizing song lyrics. You can help kids remember the numbers longer by making them into a song.

Encourage your youngster to use their fingers or a pen to indicate the numbers as they skip count out loud. For instance, to teach children to skip count by 2s, you may point to the numbers and have them say “2, 4, 6, 8, 10”, etc. After reading the numbers out loud with the children, have them repeat them without looking at the notes.

Step Five: Practice Addition Method

Using the addition approach, children may quickly master their multiplication table. For example, if you want to multiply 5 × 5, you can add 5 five times to get the correct answer, 5+5+5+5+5 = 25, which is the same as 5×5 = 25.

For the next step in learning the multiplication table, kids can add the number to the answer of the last multiplication. One way to get 5 × 6 is to add 5 to the last number, 25, which gives you 30. This way of teaching will help kids learn the following multiplication table lists in order.

Step Six: Play Math Card War

Since children learn best when having fun, consider introducing them to Math Card War. Regular playing cards (no jokers) are used in Math Card War. 

Distribute the deck of cards evenly between the class. With a number on one card and a number on the other, each player multiplies two cards randomly from the top of their deck.

The player with the highest product wins the round and keeps all the cards from the other players. At the end of the game, the player with the most cards in the deck wins.

Step Seven: Use Math Worksheets

For children, math worksheets provide a visual way to practice multiplication. They assist students to grasp multiplication through entertaining activities like games and puzzles. With these worksheets, your child can see everything you teach them.

Having math worksheets is an affordable way to help your youngster learn multiplication. The professional math tutors at Brighterly use the company’s free multiplication worksheets to help their students learn the concept easily. 

Teachers and parents can monitor a student’s development conveniently. In their leisure time, parents may also use math worksheets to help their children and make studying a little more enjoyable.

Step Eight: Use Toys

To make learning multiplication entertaining, you may use math manipulatives like coins, building blocks, pencils, and erasers.

Motivate your students to study by having them bring in coins or toys to class. Ask them to pair the toys or coins and count how many they have altogether. 

For example, if you teach the kids table 2, give them four pairs of objects to get 8, which is 2 × 4 = 8. They will understand that four sets of 2 will amount to 8.

Step Nine: Hire A Tutor

If your child wants to get better at math, they might benefit from getting help from a trained math teacher. Finding a teacher you can trust who is also skilled could be hard. Luckily, Brighterly is a website that helps people find professional math tutors.

With the help of Brighterly’s teachers, kids can quickly learn and remember the multiplication table. The math teachers are very good at what they do and will come up with fun ways to teach your kids math through games and activities. Kids can study at their own pace and reach their full potential with the help of these adults.

How to Learn Multiplication Tables Fast?

An easy way to learn tables is by using shortcuts. Below are three tricks to learn tables quickly.

Using shortcuts is a great approach to learning times tables. If you want to learn your multiplication tables quickly, try these three methods:

How to Learn Times Tables With The Landmark Numbers Trick

Beginning with the landmark number is a simple approach to learning multiplication tables. The landmark numbers are numbers with obvious patterns. Examples of these numbers are 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10.

  • Multiplication by 0 is called the zero product property. Any number multiplied by zero gives zero as the product. For example, 0 × 2 = 0.
  • Multiplication by the number 1 gives the same number. For example, 1 × 2 = 2. This is called identity property.
  • Multiplication by the number 2 gives double the number. It is the same as adding the number to itself. For example, 2 × 3 = 6 and 3 + 3 = 6.
  • When you multiply 5 by any number, the product ends with 0 or 5, as in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 45, 50. After every set, the difference between the numbers is always 5, which means you add five to the current value to get the next number. For example, 5 × 2 = 10. To get 5 × 3, you add 5 to 10, giving you 15; therefore, 5 × 3 = 15.
  • The easiest table is multiplication by the number 10. Whenever you multiply a number by 10, the result is the same number with a zero behind it. For example, 10 × 2 = 20, 10 × 3 = 30.

How to Learn Times Table Using the 9s Trick

There is a straightforward method to multiplying by 9. When you are learning the 9s multiplication table, pay attention to how the first digit of the result always goes up by one and how the second digit is always one number less than the first.

For example:

9 × 1 = 09

9 × 2 = 18

9 × 3 = 27

9 × 4 = 36

9 x 5 = 45, etc.

Note that in the given sequence, the first numbers rise while the last ones fall; for example, 09, 18, 27, 36, 45.

Finger Counting

Another way to help your youngster learn the multiplication table is to have them use their fingers. Help children learn to count by placing their fingers in front of their faces and going from left to right.

For example, to multiply 3 × 9, they should count three fingers on their left hand and bend the third finger. Then, tally the fingers before the bent one to see that 2 is the first digit of your answer. Next, they can count the rest of their fingers after the bent one, including all five fingers on the other hand. They will get 7, which is the second digit of the answer. Upon combining the numbers 2 and 7, they will get the answer 27.

Mistakes in Teaching Multiplication Tables

Most teachers make mistakes when teaching their students the rules of multiplication, which affects the kids’ overall performance in the topic. Here are some of such mistakes.

Teaching In The Wrong Order

Teaching multiplication tables in the numerical sequence that begins with 1 may seem appropriate initially, but it’s really incorrect.

It is more effective to begin with simpler numbers so your kids can learn them more quickly. Such an approach will also boost the kids’ confidence as they go further. The proper order to teach students the multiplication table is: 2, 10, 5, 1 and 0, 4, 3, 9, 6, 7, 8

Not Teaching the Commutative Theory

Multiplication has the commutative property as the result remains the same regardless of the order of the elements. 

That means you can multiply two numbers in any order and get the same result. For example, 2 x 4 will give you the same answer as 4 x 2. Teaching students the commutative property hastens their ability to learn the multiplication table.


Learning the times tables may be a scary prospect for kids. However, learning multiplication tables and rules can be enjoyable if you work with a creative tutor. 

Following the strategies and procedures outlined in the post can help kids remember multiplication tables quickly.

Also, think about adding Math Card War or another enjoyable multiplication game into your lesson plan, as kids learn best when they’re having fun.

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