Music for Learning Math: Check 10 Math Songs for Kids
Updated on February 18, 2025
Instead of monotonous exercises, youngsters learn best when actively involved in the process, like when tutors use game-based learning examples. For millions of pupils, maths is one of the most excruciating and terrifying subjects in school, yet this rule is designed just for them. Once again, you will discover how to make maths more engaging by using math songs for kids.
Why Play Songs that Teach Math?
Music stimulates regions of the brain responsible for memory formation, including the formation of new neural connections. Additionally, kids learn math better when they listen to music. Find out why maths songs are suitable for youngsters.
Songs about Math Facilitate Memory
Research shows that the same brain regions are engaged while solving mathematical and musical issues, strengthening and forming new neural connections. Elementary and preschool kids benefit greatly from listening to math songs while studying the subject.
Songs about Mathematics Promote Math Vocabulary
Tutors often use maths songs to introduce new terms and concepts. Since listening to math rhymes encourages youngsters to repeat the terms “number” and other math-related vocabularies, number songs are very successful.
Young children learn through engaging activities much better than through repetitive drills. This rule specifically works for math which is one of the most painful and dreadful classes for millions of students. This time, you will learn how to make learning math funnier using gripping songs.
1:1 Math Lessons
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learning Math with Brighterly
Math Songs for Kids Help Recognize Patterns
Interactive and entertaining maths songs for children go hand in hand. For instance, when the digits one, two, three, four, and five are said, instructors often have the students curl their fingers or clap their hands many times.
Kindergarten math songs teach kids about pattern recognition, memorization, and guessing number patterns. Students improve their mathematical skills and acquire vocabulary related to numbers.
Math Facts Songs Help Children to Count
Preschool math songs, particularly counting songs, teach children the numbers one through ten, counting forward and backward, and other similar concepts. Songs with catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms aid children immensely as they establish a basis for counting abilities.
10 Engaging Songs with Math in the Lyrics
Check these engaging math songs to play in the class or while doing homework.
Here Is the Beehive
Math Songs lyrics:
Here is the beehive (make a fist)
Where are the bees?
Hiding inside where nobody sees
Watch them come creeping out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five (release one finger at a time from the fist/ hive)
… BUZZ-ZZZ (wiggle fingers)
Why Take This Song?
As this song teaches the basics of mathematics—rote counting—it is ideal for pre-kindergarteners. Its simple rhyme is very easy for children to pick up on.
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe: One of the Best Preschool Math Songs
One, two – buckle my shoe (pretend to tie shoe)
Three, four – shut the door (pretend to shut the door)
Five, six – pick up sticks (pretend to pick up sticks)
Seven, eight – lay them straight (pretend to lay sticks down)
Nine, ten – a big fat hen!
Why Sing This Song?
It’s a condensed piece to learn counting to ten with fun and catchy music. This song will come in handy for kindergartners and preschoolers as it matches the associated math goals – master counting to ten.
Ten Fat Sausages: One of the Best Math Songs for Kindergarten
Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan (hold up ten fingers)
All of a sudden one went BANG! (clap hands on a loud bang!)
Nine fat sausages sizzling in a pan,
All of a sudden one went BANG! …
Why Play This Song?
It’s an excellent song to practice counting backward, and it also ideally suits preschoolers and kindergartners.
4 Plus Song
Come on, kids!
Everybody let’s add by 4
Come on, kids!
Everybody, let’s add by 4!
4 + 0 = 4
4 + 1 = 5
4 + 2 = 6
4 + 3 = 7
4 + 4 = 8
4 + 5 = 9
4 + 6 = 10
4 + 7 = 11
4 + 8 = 12
4 + 9 = 13
4 + 10 = 14
That was great guys!
Now we’re going to switch the numbers around,
And we’re going to start with 0 + 4
And go up to 10 + 4
Are you ready? Let’s go!
0 + 4 = 4
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 4 = 6
3 + 4 = 7
4 + 4 = 8
5 + 4 = 9
6 + 4 = 10
7 + 4 = 11
8 + 4 = 12
9 + 4 = 13
10 + 4 = 14
Why Take This Song?
This song allows practicing addition up to 14, and it helps understand that sum doesn’t change if you change the order of addends.
Add One More
Let’s play a game called add one more.
When I say a number, you add one more.
Add just one number, just one more.
One! Add one more
Two! Add one more
Three! Add one more
Four! Add one more
Five! Add one more
Six! Add one more
Seven! Add one more
Eight! Add one more
Nine! Add one more
Why Play This Song?
This song allows kids to practice a number sequence up to ten. Eventually, students will add one to any number fluently.
The Pizza Eating Alligator: One of the Best Math Songs for the 1st Grade
Hey, boys and girls, I’ve got a story to tell
About a funny alligator that you know so well
I eat pizza all day, and I eat it at night
I’m the pizza-eatin’ gator—You’ve got it right.
I’d like some now, and I’d love some later.
I’m the pizza-eating alligator.
He’s the pizza-eating alligator.
He’s the pizza-eating alligator.
If I had 1 pizza, and I ate 3 more, how many pizzas is that?
If I just ate 4, and then I eat 5, how many pizzas is that?
What if I then added 3?
Now, that’s 12 pizzas just for me.
But what if I gave you 1? Now, what’s left?
I love that pizza. Pizza’s the best.
I could eat it all day and never rest.
I eat pizza all day…
Why Pick This Song?
It’s a gripping song to practice addition beyond 10. This song will suit both kindergartners and first-graders. Plus, it teaches subtraction and the concept of “more.”
Best Math Songs for the 2nd Grade: Know Those 10’s
Know those 10’s, know those 10’s,
And you will find,
You can add numbers
Quickly in your mind.
10 + 0
9 + 1
8 + 2 = 10
7 + 3
6 + 4
5 + 5 = 10
4 + 6
3 + 7
2 + 8 = 10
1 + 9
0 + 10
All these equal 10.
Know those 10’s, know those 10’s,
And you will find,
You can add numbers
Quickly in your mind.
Why Play This Song?
Many addends equal 10, and learning them by heart will make the addition a much faster and easier operation. This song teaches the number pairs with fun.
1:1 Math Lessons
Want to raise a genius? Start
learning Math with Brighterly
Five Subtracting Hopping Frogs
5 speckled subtracting frogs
Hopping on a hollow log
20 – 5 = 15;
19 – 5 = 14;
18 – 5 = 13;
14 – 5 = 9;
17 – 5 = 12;
16 – 5 = 11;
15 – 5 = 10;
5 speckled subtracting frogs
Hopping on a hollow log
13 – 5 = 8;
12 – 5 = 7;
11 – 5 = 6;
5 speckled subtracting frogs
Hopping on a hollow log
10 – 5 = 5;
9 – 5 = 4;
8 – 5 = 3;
5 speckled subtracting frogs
Hopping on a hollow log!
7 – 5 = 2;
6 – 5 = 1;
5 – 5 = 0
Subtracting hopping frogs
Why Pick This Song?
This simple song teaches subtraction from 20, and it’s a good brain teaser before a math class or homework.
Step Back
There’s a new dance,
And it’s weird in fact,
It’s a kind of a way that you can subtract,
You move yourself backward,
Gotta stay on track, can you step back?
First time around
We’re gonna take away 2,
Just pay attention and it’s easy to do
It’s time to find out
if you have the knack,
Can you step back? 7 (steps back seven times)
Step Back: 11 (steps back 11 times)
Step Back: 10 (steps back ten times)
This time around
We’re gonna take away 3
Why Play This Song?
This song teaches subtraction and counting. On top of that, it lets children play around and relieve stress after sitting tight for a long time.
Best Math Songs for the 4th Graders: The US Money Song
5 pennies are the same as a nickel
10 pennies or 2 nickels are the same as a dime
25 pennies or 2 dimes and nickel are the same as a quarter
100 pennies are the same as a dollar
10 dimes are the same as a dollar
20 nickels are the same as a dollar
4 quarters are the same as a dollar
5 pennies are the same as a nickel
10 pennies or 2 nickels are the same as a dime
25 pennies or 2 dimes and nickel are the same as a quarter
100 pennies are the same as a dollar
10 dimes are the same as a dollar
20 nickels are the same as a dollar
4 quarters are the same as a dollar
Why Use This Song?
If you play this mathematics song, you can help kids learn simple math skills like adding and subtracting and counting to 100.
As a parent, you know maths education is more than calculation and homework. Learning becomes less of a chore when you are enthusiastic about something and enjoy it. The humorous math songs in this post might be an excellent tool for helping your youngster improve their math skills.