Pros and Cons of School Uniforms: Experts’ Opinion

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    If your kids have to wear school uniforms, they probably have very strong feelings about that. The pros and cons of school uniforms are a constant source of debate. Some think that school uniforms promote a sense of belonging, while others doubt children will ever benefit from it. To say nothing about the additional expenses parents face every year and, in some cases, more often than that. 

    Nearly 20% of American public schools require uniforms; therefore, you might be one of the parents whose kid must wear button-down shirts and trousers almost every day. But what are the direct pros and cons of this uniform rule? Keep on reading to explore the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms. 

    What are the pros and cons of school uniforms?

    Some people still argue that wearing school uniforms must be mandatory. Yet, the research on school uniforms is not always solid. While some schools find uniforms advantageous, other research recognized them as ineffective. Some studies have also determined that school uniforms can be harmful to some students. Reasons why students should wear uniforms vary from school to school, but it doesn’t mean we can’t take a closer look into the pros and cons of school uniforms. 

    What are the cons of school uniforms?

    Let’s put some cons of having school uniforms together and see how it can affect students, teachers, and parents. Here are the most prominent uniform disadvantages.

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    Reduced creativity

    No one likes to be told what to wear, especially pre-teens and teenagers. School uniforms limit their ability to self-express through fashion, hair, and accessories. Additionally, it becomes hard for them to find their “tribe” — people who can potentially become their friends or close circle. School can be stressful for kids as it is, and taking away one of the few areas where they can fully express themselves would not positively affect their mental health. 

    Dr. Amanda Gummer, Founder of The Good Toy Guide, shares her outlook on school uniforms:

    “It is important to acknowledge that uniforms can sometimes limit individual expression.”

    It is important to acknowledge that uniforms can sometimes limit individual expression, and as children grow, developing their identity becomes increasingly important - with clothing being a key way to express this. FA really rigid uniform policy can feel restrictive, especially for older students who are starting to explore their individuality.
    Author Dr. Amanda Gummer
    Dr. Amanda Gummer
    Founder of The Good Toy Guide

    No impact on achievement

    Another negative of school uniforms is that they don’t really affect student’s grades. Having used two different sources of data and a huge sample of students, a 2009 study concluded that there is no evidence that school uniforms improve achievement. Researchers compared prior years’ test scores with new ones and found that wearing school uniforms didn’t have a serious impact on math scores (and other disciplines, too). This fact alone can undermine the whole conversation about whether school uniforms are necessary or not.

    Additional costs 

    According to a recent survey, the average cost of school uniforms for a child in middle school is about $450. For some families, this may be more expensive for parents than buying regular clothes. It also means they have to buy 2 separate sets of clothes — a school uniform and another one for all of the extra activities. This poses a significant uniform disadvantage for families who can’t afford the pricier items. 

    Uniforms might be sexist

    Some parents and students may see uniforms as sexist. For example, schools with mandatory school uniforms require girls to wear skirts exclusively, which can create some confusion. When parents or students object, it can lead to conflicts with the school administration. 

    Kids can be naturally opposed to traditionally feminine or masculine clothes, and when experimentation is not allowed, school uniforms can present a real challenge.


    Many schools demand more expensive options of school uniforms featuring logos and specific colors. That creates an additional financial burden for parents who could have opted for a different, cheaper supplier. 

    Some kids can also feel inadequate, due to not being able to afford the uniform from a school supplier, creating a sense of inequality among children. This can definitely be the reason why school uniforms are bad.

    Students dislike school uniforms 

    School uniforms are often outdated and don’t follow any fashion trend whatsoever. Kids can be disappointed to have to wear the colors and styles that they think are too old-fashioned. Some schools don’t change their uniforms for generations, and it’s not rare for children to see the same uniform style today, as their parents used to wear 30 years ago.  

    Political and commercial interests

    Some parents may think that the reasons why students should wear uniforms are highly political. A school uniform may come as a pillar of traditional values that may not resonate with some families. 

    School uniforms can also promote commercial interests, as they are usually sold through one supplier, which the school administration determines. This is why parents may be strongly opposed to such requirements. 

    School uniforms postpone adulthood

    Denying students choices like what to wear may make them inadequately prepared for adulthood. Maturity involves the liberty to express their opinion freely, including making their own clothing choices. 

    When students are constantly told what to wear, how to look, and what to do, they don’t build those crucial skills in decision-making, self-expression, and independence.

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    School uniforms and online learning

    With the rise of distance learning in recent years, students can now take their classes from home. Some schools still require their students to wear the school uniform even if they are not at school. But how do they justify this rule? 

    In some cases, clothes can reinforce a certain mindset. For example, when people have an important meeting or a work call, they may dress professionally in order to be taken seriously. When it comes to school uniforms, the same aspect comes into place. Educators want to reinforce a sense of professionalism in the school environment, even if the classes are held online. 

    Online math tutoring platforms like Brighterly don’t require kids to wear any kind of uniform or special clothes. Since uniforms don’t really have an impact on achievement and performance, it’s safe to say children can learn in whatever clothes they like. With Brighterly, your kid can forget about the negatives of school uniforms and simply enjoy uniform-free, personalized, one-on-one math sessions that are fun, interactive, and effective!

    Reasons why schools should not have uniforms

    The cons of school uniforms are numerous. Here are a couple of key reasons why students should not wear uniforms:

    Objections from students

    Students may resist or rebel against school uniforms, as they are not allowed to express themselves through clothes. When kids hear that students should wear uniforms, some children can demonstrate aggressive behavior, which inevitably makes the school environment unproductive and unsafe. 

    Undermining public schools

    Does one have to wear uniforms in private schools? Most likely. Pricey labeled private school uniforms may look appealing to many people, but they can create a sense of exclusivity and widen the gap between different socio-economic groups. Thus, private school students may feel superior to those who go to public schools. 

    Not addressing real issues 

    When we debate too much about school uniforms, it may take our gaze away from real issues, like bullying, poor discipline, or a bad level of education. Some parents may see it as a way for school administrations to whitewash the real problems. Even though uniforms may have their benefits, they can only do so much as mask real issues schools are facing today.

    Additional stress

    Another evident uniform disadvantage is that parents will have to buy at least two or three sets of uniforms for their children so that they can have clean clothes every day. Not only is it expensive, but it also adds the burden of frequent laundering and ironing. It can become tiring and eat into the parents’ time, which they could spend with their kids, helping with homework, or simply having some quality time together.  

    Peer pressure

    Peer pressure can manifest in several ways when wearing school uniforms. Most likely, students feel embarrassed or judged when they have to dress differently than most children, who wear a more relaxed attire. This is one of the most prominent cons of wearing school uniforms as children can even get bullied. 


    Schools with mandatory uniforms can punish children when they show up wearing something else. Students may face detention, parental notifications, and loss of privileges. Some schools may also send children home to change, which basically means they miss out on education. 

    10 reasons why students should wear uniforms

    To put some perspective into the school uniform quarrel, let’s explore 10 reasons why students should wear uniforms. 

    Cohesion and equality 

    When children wear the same clothes, it creates a sense of cohesion and equality. With all of the expectations removed, children develop a more positive attitude toward each other despite their backgrounds. It basically sends the message, “We’re equal,” so kids can’t judge each other based on appearances.

    Increased safety

    School uniforms also help distinguish students and non-students from around the school area. So, visually, it’s easier for teachers to keep children in safe zones restricted to outsiders. Therefore, students and staff can identify a foreign person is on the premises, if that person doesn’t wear the designated uniform. 

    Also, students should wear uniforms during field trips and on-site learning situations, which can help them avoid getting lost in unfamiliar places. 

    Enhanced focus on learning 

    School uniforms reduce distractions. When kids all wear the same clothes, they aren’t that interested in what other children wear. Therefore, it helps the student to focus on academics and achieve better grades.

    Promoting discipline

    Are school uniforms a good idea? Yes, especially when discipline is in question! School uniforms can encourage discipline. It facilitates a more organized setting with clearly defined rules and eventually creates a sense of discipline among students. 

    Creating a sense of belonging 

    School can be stressful for kids as it is. In that case, uniforms can create an association effect and help children feel like they’re not alone. This form of dress code brings unity between kids, as they share a common sense of identity, improving peer relationships. 

    Preparing for the outside world

    The rules and regulations, such as mandatory uniforms, can prepare students for the outside world and formal scenarios of adult life that we all encounter from time to time. Job interviews are a good example — if you want to look professional, you have to dress in a certain way. School uniforms basically serve the same purpose. 

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    Easy mornings

    Chaotic mornings are one of the many reasons why most parents and children experience stress. Any parent knows how hard it is to prepare your kid for school in the morning, especially when your youngster is not particularly an early bird. In this case, school uniforms can be a lifesaver, as they remove one thing from busy moms’ and dads’ to-do lists. When we’re talking about school uniform pros and cons, this one is a definite pro. 

    Reduced expenses

    Even though school uniforms can be quite expensive, some families can actually save money on clothes. Most kids want to dress trendy which can lead to some additional expenses for parents. Children may pressure them to buy a new wardrobe every time a new trend sweeps through the school. This chance decreases with school uniforms, as kids don’t have much room for style experimentation. Thus, economics is made easier for parents. 

    Character development 

    When a student should wear uniforms on a daily basis, they have to work harder on their personality rather than channeling their character through their clothes. This way, kids will prioritize their personality development, having more confidence and courage to show who they truly are and not be defined by the clothes they wear. 

    Encouraging professionalism 

    Students who used to wear casual clothes to school may find it difficult to dress professionally for employment environments or environments that require strict dress codes. Exposing children to school uniforms can create a deeper sense of responsibility and professionalism.

    What percent of schools have uniforms

    The percentage of schools requiring uniforms differs from country to country. Generally, school uniforms are not prevalent in schools worldwide. However, let’s look at it in more detail.

    About 20% of Public and 60% of Private schools in the United States require their students to wear school uniforms. That means that private institutions are more likely to monitor what children wear in class.

    In England, on the other hand, over 90% of schools require uniforms. This is due to the long-standing tradition, especially in elementary and middle school. 

    In most European countries, less than 10% of schools require uniforms, making it a more relaxed policy for students. 


    To sum up, the pros and cons of school uniforms are an endless matter of disagreement. With children and parents usually being against uniforms, school administrations often debate over why students should wear uniforms. Numerous studies indicate that school uniforms aren’t all that advantageous and, in some cases, can even be harmful. However, we can’t deny that some factors, like easier economics and increased safety of children, are definite pros of wearing school uniforms.

    Whatever your opinion on school uniforms, your children’s skills must come first. If you feel like your kid could use an extra push in math, Brighterly is here to help you. Our exceptional math tutors for elementary, middle, or high schoolers will make it their priority for your kid to excel in math. We provide stress-free, interactive, and effective one-on-one math sessions that help your kid fall in love with math! 

    Book a free lesson today and watch it happen. 


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