How to Memorize Multiplication Tables: 7 Tips for Your Kids

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    You, as a parent, should establish and maintain stable conditions for your kid that facilitate fast understanding and memorization of any school task. The innovative tutoring platform Brighterly offers children of different ages to visit individual math lessons. In this article, we’ve gathered the best tips that you can implement. Implement tips from this article as supplementary help for their education. 

    Should children memorize the multiplication table?

    Elementary school students should memorize the multiplication table to develop core math knowledge and create the cemented ground for future education and skills. The ability to learn the multiplication table and its results brings noticeable effects and consequences to further education.

    Kids in second, third, and fourth classes are aware of the subtractions and additions. Multiplication is the third basic ability that should be met to go on to divisions. If not, the child will stand up to difficulties during the future classes.

    How to learn multiplication tables fast with Brighterly? 

    The fastest way to learn multiplication requires tutors’ help, as they are experts in quality schooling. Tutors have vast experience in teaching kids, so they will find a suitable approach for any student. They know tricks to remember multiplication tables, so your child will memorize them faster than you expect.

    Brighterly tutors use games, quizzes, and other interactive methods to ensure that your child is interested in new knowledge. We also use songs for multiplication tables, so even the most artsy and audial kids will be able to learn math effortlessly. 

    Our philosophy is that a quality education is accessible to anyone. That’s why, at the end of this article, you’ll get free worksheets that ease the process of memorizing multiplication tables.

    Click the Book free lesson button and present your child with the opportunity to learn math faster with professional tutors. This is an effective way to help your youngster learn the multiplication table.

    How to learn multiplication tables?

    To learn times tables, you have to implement two easy principles. 

    1. Math should bring kids joy. Explain to your child why they should learn math. To make learning fun, create a positive atmosphere and feeling of freedom. 
    2. Use modern teaching methods. Try to implement the methods below gradually without overwhelming the child.

    Top 3 tips for learning multiplication tables

    Before starting to study directly, it is necessary to explain to the child such concepts as:

    • the first factor is a number that will be added a certain number of times;
    • the second factor is a number showing how many times the first factor must be added to obtain the product;
    • product is the value obtained as a result of repeated addition.

    Multiplication belongs to the third core math topic for learning. Hence, explain the relationship between addition, subtraction, and multiplication. 

    Note: Tell the child that the second action is the first action repeated a certain number of times. This will help to understand the essence of the arithmetic operation and, as a result, to learn the multiplication table. Take a sheet of paper and draw an example to show the repetition of actions.

    Also, explain to your child that changing the places of the factors does not change the product. As soon as the second-grader understands these rules, they can learn multiplication and start memorizing the table directly.

    How to memorize the multiplication table?

    Use tricks to learn multiplication tables with children and make the process joyful. There are 7 tips that are effective for pattern learning:

    Use these methods to see your child succeed in learning multiplication tables. 

    Understanding principles

    While analyzing the multiplication table, you will find specific principles and logical patterns in each line. For instance, the multiples of 10 end in 0, when 5 has the end of 5 or 0.  Or that the 5 times 9 and 9 times 5 equals 45. When a child understands the principle of the table, it will be easier to learn and remember it.

    Memory techniques

    There are countless memory techniques to ensure that the kid memorizes a multiplication table. The most valuable memory techniques are related to visualization or creating your own idea of numbers interactions.

    Regularity of practicing 

    Practice multiplication tables on a regular basis with your kid to ensure that they remember it. Try to spend at least half an hour each day repeating what you have learned before and acquiring new tables.

    At first, it may be too complicated for the child. But it’s OK. Once they memorize at least one-third of the table, it becomes easier. Initially, you can start from 10-15 minutes per day, but just ensure that you have daily study sessions.

    Easy start

    The first and foremost task of each parent is to show the multiplication table is easy to understand and learn. A simple approach to learning multiplication tables is to start from 2, 5, and 10 tables and end with others. Usually, it comes easily, because multiplying by two is quite straightforward. 

    Repeating aloud

    Duplication is the method to learn something by rote. When you sit and learn the timetable, ask the child to repeat it all aloud. The more times children repeat numbers and patterns, the better they will be memorized. Each time the information is reflected in the memory.

    Interactive practice

    No one likes boring lessons. The key tool to help children memorize multiplication tables is to make math interesting. Once the kid is looking forward to having a lesson, it will be fruitful and resultative. You can raise your child’s curiosity with interactive instruments like pictures, applications, and other materials.

    Make math fun and interactive. It’s the easiest way to learn multiplication tables with a kid. Use their interests. If they like video games, look for some interactive digital service. If they prefer singing and dancing, incorporate those practices into your study routine.

    Creating games

    The easiest is to take paper and start drawing tables. You can prepare the multiplication table with empty fields and gaps. The task will be to fill in the missing numbers. You can ask your child to prepare this task for you. During the process, the pupil will think about patterns and develop a strategy for them, remembering each time at the table.


    Top 7 ways to learn multiplication facts

    Visual memory

    This method is considered the easiest way to learn multiplication. It involves using the Pythagorean square. The numbers of the natural series there are located horizontally and vertically, and their products are located at the intersection of the two values.

    This square has existed for more than four thousand years and helps to visually remember numbers. Its use is one of the fastest learning methods for starting to practice with the child. It is because the Pythagorean square is easier for most children to understand than the column examples. This method is determined to help see the sequence and principle of numbers.

    Poems to memorize

    The multiplication table is a difficult topic for all children to learn. So, it’s better to use specific approaches to simplify it. For example, studying the Pythagorean theorem with the help of small poems. Help kids learn the following multiplication table in such an unusual and curious way. There are original quatrains for all expressions. You can memorize them with your children and use them even in everyday communication.

    Learn by tables

    Another way to help your youngster learn multiplication is to do it column by column. It’s a slow method, but it will suit most kids.

    You can try a new number every day. After mastering each subsequent column, it is necessary to repeat everything from the beginning. If your child memorizes all multiplication tables by 2,3,4, and even 5, let’s randomly ask them math problems where they can show what they previously memorized.

    Simplifying tips

    Multiplication tables have many interconnections and regulations which you can easily simplify. In some cases, kids may “cheat” and not memorize the whole table but rather complete multiple actions to get the result. After all, who cares if they still get a correct result? Here are 7 best simplifying multiplication tips:

    • If one of the factors is a two, the same number must be added to the second number. For example, 6*2 = 6 + 6 = 12.
    • Multiplying any number by one, we get the same number (5*1 = 5).
    • If the factor is number five, the product will end in either five or zero. Even numbers will have a zero at the end, and odd numbers will have a five.
    • Another life hack for five: to multiply an even number by five, you need to take half of it and add 0. Let’s take the example of 8*5. It is necessary to divide 8 and 4 in half before adding 0. It turns out that 5*8 = 40. This option does not work with odd numbers, so it is better not to consider them as an example.
    • If the factor is 10, the product always ends with 0 and begins with the second digit in the example: 10*3 = 30, 10*7 = 70.
    • It is better for children to learn the multiplication table by five, knowing that the results in it are half as small as in the column by 10: 5*6 = 30, 10*6 = 60.
    • If you want to perform an arithmetic operation with 9, you need to add 0 to the original number and subtract the same number. In the expression 7*9, the solution will be similar if 70 – 7. 70 – 7 = 63, so 7*9 = 63.

    Object lesson

    One way to explain the logic of multiplication is to use real-world objects. Take out all the toys from the basket and divide them into pairs. If you are teaching children table 2, give them four pairs of objects to make 8, so 2*4 = 8.

    Eventually, they’ll find out that four sets of 2 are 8. Also, let the kid take these toys to school. Such fun ways to learn multiplication will stimulate them to study the topic more.

    Addition method

    The easiest and the best way to learn multiplication tables is to use the addiction method. For example, if you want to multiply 5*5, you can add that number five times to get the correct answer: 5+5+5+5+5 = 25, which is 5*5 = 25.

    It will be easy to move to the next stage of the process. Once the child is ready to move to the next step and find what is 5*6, they simply can add 5 to their previous result to calculate the result of the “five times six” math operation.


    Your child can also use fingers to learn the times table by 9. Start by spreading all 10 fingers in front of you. To calculate 9*1, lower the left little finger. What’s left? 9 fingers!

    For 9*2, drop the left ring finger. What is left now? 1 finger and a space followed by 8 fingers is 18. This method works up to 9*9 (8 and 1 or 81). But when teaching such tricks, don’t forget to explain the concept of multiplication. This easy way to learn multiplication will help your child to remember table by 9 faster. 

    How to memorize multiplication tables in one day?

    Remember that it’s impossible to learn the whole multiplication table in one day, even if you are the parent of a prodigy. Even if your kid will be able to memorize the table, they will forget it in less than a week.

    So, it’s better to spend some time (usually a month or two) but ensure that they subconsciously know the basic multiplication table.

    Children should understand the meaning of the table, perceive it, and then start learning. In addition, the knowledge is getting better with practice. 

    How long does it take to memorize multiplication tables?

    Usually, it takes more than a month to memorize the multiplication table. The actual period depends on:

    • Current math skills
    • Lessons frequency
    • Study approach
    • Student’s attitude
    • Chosen learning tips
    • Individual circumstances

    Remember that recalling is also part of the process. The best way to memorize multiplication tables is to redo calculations from time to time.

    So, we recommend you repeat tables occasionally. Once your child has mastered the multiplication table, it’s time to test that knowledge.

    Make it part of your daily routine. Ask them questions like “ We are a family of 4, remember it? Please, tell me how many steaks we need to buy if each family member will eat 3 steaks during the weekend?”.  Your child will feel valuable and naturally become morally invested in memorizing the multiplication table.

    Steps in learning the multiplication table

    The process can be divided into several categories:


    This stage includes purchasing necessary materials like games, cards, books, and copybooks. Ensure that your child likes it. Explain to the youngster the necessity of buying it and allow them to choose the table. If the child likes it, you will find it easier to start lessons later and pay attention to the learning.

    First meeting

    Introduce the multiplication table to the child and explain the need for learning. Actualize the necessity of learning to boost a child’s attention. At this stage, you can create a system of encouragement. Such an approach will motivate them to learn better. Explain the basic secrets of how to make learning faster and more understandable. 

    Day-to-day learning

    At this stage, you have to practice daily lessons. It may be hard to catch child’s attention during first lessons. During the first days, it can be hard to focus attention. However, you will find it useful and fruitful by insisting on regular practice. The length of the lessons can be increased gradually. 

    Relaxing days

    Learning multiplication tables should include breaks for your child. The child cannot learn new information every day. An easy way to learn multiplication tables consists of regular lessons and rewards. After each table, you can have a day off. 


    Even on days off, you can review the tables with your child. For instance, at the market, you can ask your kid to count something. The information will appear in memory and children will remember patterns better. 

    Mistakes in learning multiplication facts

    1. Don’t compare the child with their classmates – this is unpleasant and dangerous for the child’s psyche.
    2. Don’t practice in a bad mood.
    3. Don’t scold or punish for bad grades and mistakes.
    4. Start learning gradually, rather than forcing your child to learn the entire multiplication table in one day.

    Brighterly multiplication tables worksheets

    Now that you are aware of learning multiplication tables memorization techniques and know the most common mistakes, you are ready to test your child’s knowledge with real-world examples.

    We at Brighterly think that quality education should be accessible for everyone. That’s why we want to share with you free multiplication worksheets that you can print to study with your kid:


    To conclude, there are many ways of teaching multiplication tables. But they all have one thing in common: you should make the study process joyful so your child gladly expects the next session. Children should feel it as enjoyment rather than force. It is important to use various methods as a whole.

    Once you feel you cannot get in with all techniques, ask for assistance. An education platform with interactive tools is a great chance to improve your child’s level of knowledge and save you time. The learning period will take more than one month since repetitions are the essential part of memorizing the tables. 

    Want your kid to excel in math?

    Kid’s grade

    • Grade 1
    • Grade 2
    • Grade 3
    • Grade 4
    • Grade 5
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    • Grade 7
    • Grade 8
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