Round to the Nearest Hundredth: Definition, Method, Practice Math Problems

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    Rounding to the hundredth place may be tricky since it includes decimals and operations with them. However, after you read your child a guide from Brighterly tutors, they will easily understand it from the first attempt. Use these examples of rounding to the nearest hundredth to improve your child’s math skills.

    What Is Rounding to the Nearest Hundredth?

    Rounding to the nearest hundredth is the practice of finding the closest that has only two decimal places. For instance, if you need to round to the nearest hundredth the number of 68.17178, the answer will be 68.17.

    If you decide to round the 26.3292973869, the answer will be 26,33 since we cut the thousandth to properly round the hundredth.

    How to Round to the Nearest Hundredth?

    The answer to rounding to the nearest hundredth is easy. You just need to use this easy instruction:

    1. Identify the hundredth place: It is the second digit after the decimal point.   
    2. Look at the digit to the right of the hundredth place: This is the thousandth place.   
    3. Round up or down:
      • If the digit in the thousandth place is 5 or more, round up the hundredth place by 1.   
      • If the digit in the thousandth place is less than 5, keep the hundredth place the same.   
    4. Drop the remaining digits: All digits after the hundredth place become 0.   

    How to round to the nearest hundredth 1

    Imagine that you need to round 3.14159 to the nearest hundredth.

    1. The hundredth place is 4.
    2. The digit in the thousandth place is 1.
    3. Since 1 is less than 5, we keep the hundredth place the same. 
    4. Drop the remaining digits.

    So, 3.14159 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 3.14.

    Remember that rounding to the nearest hundredth is the same as rounding to two decimal places.

    Round to the Nearest Hundredth Example

    Here are a few real-world examples of rounding to the nearest hundredth:

    • To determine interest payment during loans. Imagine you bought a laptop that cost $1580 and you decide to take a 12-month loan. It will be 131,66666 per month. But if you round to the nearest hundredth, you’ll need to pay 131,67.
    • In sports, most results are recorded to the nearest hundredth. It is still precise while pushing competition. You don’t need to measure a jump to the ten-thousandth of a centimeter. Showing that Jacob performs a 3.53-meter jump will be enough to demonstrate his skills.
    • To round up measurements. In most cases, rounding your answer to the nearest hundredth is fine. Most real-life cases don’t need scientific precision, and you can safely round 6.29674 inches.

    Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredth

    Before diving into rounding decimals to the nearest hundredths, you should be aware of the naming of decimal placements. Let’s quickly review it:

    Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredth 2

    As you can see, the hundredth place is the second digit after the decimal point. So, while rounding to the nearest hundredth, you’ll basically cut everything after the second number after the decimal point.

    How to Round Your Answer To The Nearest Hundredth: The Easy Way

    We’ve mentioned above the traditional way to round to the nearest hundredth. However, there is an even more simple way to determine it. You just need to look for a third number (thousandth) after the decimal point and round it up or down. Once you find it, enter this number, rounded to the hundredth place.

    Use the rounding rule: if “thousandth” is more than 5, round up the hundredth place by 1. If the digit in the thousandth place is less than 5, keep the hundredth place the same.

    That’s all! You’ve just expressed your answer as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth. You don’t need to use any number after the thousandth. If the thousandth is less than 5, you can ignore it.

    Solved Math Tasks: Examples

    Solved math problem 1

    Imagine taking a 24-month loan for a new car costing $32,800. What will be your basic monthly fee?


    Initially, you need to divide 32,800 by 24 to find a fee. It will be a $1366,666666. However, to pay it, you should be rounding decimals to the nearest hundredth since there are only 100 cents in a dollar. 

    The hundredth place is a 6, above 5, so we can increase it to round the nearest hundredth in decimal.

    So, your basic monthly payment will be $1366,67.

    Solved math problem 2

    Scientists measure that the length of some new animals is 5,2973938 centimeters. It’s a small newly discovered animal, that’s why they are so precise. But now they need to present it to a general audience, so they should round this measurement to the nearest 100th.


    The hundreds here is 9, which is more than 5. So, we need to round it. It will be a 10, so we will transfer the tenth. It means that the height of this new animal, which is rounded to the nearest hundredth, will be 5.30 centimeters. And since there is a 0 at the end, we can round this number even to the tenth after the decimal.

    So it will be 5.3 centimeters

    Round to the Nearest Hundredth: Practice Math Problems

    Round to the Nearest Hundredth: Definition, Method, Practice Math Problems

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    1 / 4

    If 15.2_3 is round to 15.26, what is the missing number?

    2 / 4

    A wide bucket holds 32.846 liters of water. How many liters will be there if we round the number to the nearest hundredth?


    3 / 4

    In 46.715, what change will come after rounding it to the nearest hundredth?


    4 / 4

    Guess the new number if 24.360 is round to the nearest hundredth.


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    Round to the Nearest Hundredth: Worksheets

    Rounding to the nearest hundredth is a crucial daily skill, so you should repeat it with your kid occasionally. Use Brighterly’s worksheets to make this process fun and entertaining both for you and a child. Here are free printable worksheets from our team that show you the specifics of decimals and rounding them:

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