What is 2/7 as a decimal?

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    Answer: 2/7 as a decimal is approximately 0.2857.

    Converting Fractions to Decimals

    Fractions and decimals both represent numbers that are not whole. Converting a fraction like 2/7 into a decimal involves dividing the numerator (2) by the denominator (7), which results in approximately 0.2857. This skill is fundamental in various mathematical and real-life scenarios, such as calculating ratios, comparing quantities, or even distributing resources. It’s also essential for ensuring accuracy in measurements, financial calculations, and scientific computations, enhancing numerical literacy and precision in daily life and professional fields.

    FAQ on Converting Fractions to Decimals

    What is 1/6 as a decimal?

    1/6 as a decimal is approximately 0.1667.

    What is 3/8 as a decimal?

    3/8 as a decimal is 0.375.

    What is 5/9 as a decimal?

    5/9 as a decimal is approximately 0.5556.

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