What is 80% of 25?

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    Answer: 80% of 25 is 20.


    Percentages are a way to express a number as a fraction of 100. To find 80% of 25, you multiply 25 by 0.8 (since 80% is the same as 0.8). This calculation gives us 20. Understanding percentages is crucial not just in math classes, but in everyday life. It’s used in calculating discounts during shopping, determining interest rates in banking, and even in understanding statistics in news reports. Being comfortable with percentages allows you to make informed decisions and can save you money in many real-world situations.

    FAQ on Percentages

    What is 50% of 100?

    50% of 100 is 50.

    How do you find 10% of a number?

    To find 10% of a number, simply divide the number by 10.

    What is 25% of 200?

    25% of 200 is 50.

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