Shapes – Definition, Types, FAQs, Practice Problems, Examples

Table of Contents

    Kids are introduced to geometric shapes from preschool onwards, forming the basis of math concepts. Their learning includes volume, length, and perimeter.

    Here, we’ll cover what geometric shapes are, the main types of shapes, provide examples and share practice test problems.

    What are shapes?

    Shapes are the form or outline of an object. Every physical object in the world is formed of a shape. 2D geometry shapes are the most basic shapes and are flat. 3D shapes are introduced later.

    Shapes: definition

    There are two major types of shapes: geometric and organic. We’ll cover geometric shapes, which fit into the rules of mathematics and geometry. Organic shapes are freeform and don’t follow mathematical principles.

    Shapes are made up of lines or curves. Everything is a shape, and many can be broken down into other geometrical shapes. A pizza, for example, is usually a circle cut into triangles.

    2D geometric shapes

    Different types of shapes

    There are many different types of shapes, including:

    • Circles
    • Semicircles 
    • Ovals
    • Triangles
    • Squares
    • Rectangles
    • Parallelograms
    • Rhombus
    • Trapezoid
    • Kite
    • Pentagon
    • Hexagon
    • Septagon
    • Octagon
    • Nonagon
    • Decagon

    Types of shapes with examples

    There are four key types of 2D math shapes we study below with example images.


    A circle is a round shape where every point of the shape is the same distance away from the center. A circle is a symmetrical shape – meaning if a line is drawn through the middle, each side will be an exact reflection of one another. Circular objects include:

    • Balls
    • Coins
    • Hula hoops
    • Plates
    • Discs
    • Bangles
    • Buttons
    • Rings 



    Squares are another symmetrical 2D shape consisting of four sides of equal length, meaning all four angles are right angles measuring 90° and adding up to 360°. Square objects include:

    • Rubix cubes
    • Pizza boxes
    • Floor tiles
    • Cushions
    • Waffles
    • Brownies

    Shape of Square


    Rectangles are a shape similar to squares, but not all sides are equal – instead, the two parallel sides are equal to one another. All angles are also right angles of 90° and add up to 360°. Rectangles are also symmetrical. Examples of rectangular objects include:

    • Football fields
    • Photo frames
    • Laptops
    • Tablets
    • Mobile phones
    • TVs
    • Books
    • Doors
    • Magazines 



    Triangles are polygon shapes in geometry with three sides and three internal angles. Triangles come in many forms, depending on the length of their sides and internal angles, including:

    The internal angles of triangle types and sizes always add up to 180°.

    Triangles in geometry

    List of shapes

    Here’s a list of some common math shapes kids will be introduced to in kindergarten in addition to the four basic geometrical shapes.

    Oval Oval in geometry
    Rhombus Rhombus in geometry
    Trapezium Trapezium in geometry
    Pentagon Pentagon in geometry

    Solved examples of shapes

    We’ve included some solved geometry shapes examples so your kid can use them to practice their math shapes knowledge.

    Solved math problem 1

    Which shape is not a closed shape?

    • Circle
    • Rectangle
    • Triangle
    • Zigzag



    The sides of a zigzag don’t meet one another, meaning the shape is not closed.

    Solved math problem 2

    Which math shapes are 3D geometric shapes?

    • Cuboid
    • Rectangle
    • Cylinder
    • Triangle


    Cuboid and cylinder.

    3D shapes have three-dimensional properties, and both triangles and rectangles don’t.

    Shapes: practice math problems

    Shapes: practice math problems

    1 / 4

    What is the area of a rectangle and its diagonal length of diagonal, if the breadth is 7 cm and the length is 24?Shapes-Test-1

    2 / 4

    In an isosceles triangle ABC, if AB = AC = 26 cm, BC = 20cm and AD = 24, find the area of triangle ABC.Shapes-Test-2

    3 / 4

    PQRS is a rhombus. Each side of it is 40 cm. If PR = 64 cm and QS = (8x + 8), then the value of x is:


    4 / 4

    Find the radius r of a circle if π = 3.1415 and the circumference C = 44 cm.Shapes-Test-4

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    Shapes worksheets

    Brighterly offers math worksheets covering different types of shapes:


    Want your kid to excel in math?

    Kid’s grade

    • Grade 1
    • Grade 2
    • Grade 3
    • Grade 4
    • Grade 5
    • Grade 6
    • Grade 7
    • Grade 8
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