The Best Homeschool Curriculum For ADHD
reviewed by Camille Ira B. Mendoza
Updated on February 17, 2025
Children with ADHD often find their perfect learning setting in non-traditional homeschool classes. Once you understand this comes another blow — choosing the best homeschool curriculum for ADHD can be a hurdle. That’s why, I carefully created this guide to provide you with some of the best options.
Key Points
- Online learning is the best format for kids with ADHD.
- Brighterly math tutoring platform provides personalized learning, perfectly aligning with each child’s requirements.
- Khan Academy is often called the best homeschool curriculum for ADHD at Reddit for providing excellent supplementary tasks for free.
- Time4Learning gives access to many pre-developed studying programs that match the state-accepted curriculum.
- Oak Meadow and Abeka Academy let kids practice math with a tutor or purchase resources for independent homeschool practice. They also allow to receive a school diploma.
How to choose a homeschool curriculum for a child with ADHD?
How to choose the best homeschool program for ADHD by seeking options with a wide range of activities
To choose the best homeschool program for ADHD you should pick options with a wide selection of learning activities. Plus, you should define your child’s preferred learning method. It can be visual, audio, kinesthetic, or when they read/write information. Your task is to analyze their style and use this knowledge to find the best homeschool curriculum for ADHD.
For example, if a child prefers learning through hands-on activities, you should pay special attention to interactive tasks listed on e-learning resources. If they best grasp knowledge while listening to it, you should focus on auditory assignments, including podcasts or video lessons.
How to choose the best homeschool program for ADHD by focusing on engaging tasks
To choose the best homeschool program for ADHD by focusing on engaging tasks, you should opt for interactivity and fun. As ADHD kids can suffer from hyperactivity, be sure that the tasks provided by the program you choose include:
- Multimedia content
- Gamification
- Adjustable pacing
- Real-world usages
When choosing the ideal platform, consider various task choices for children’s studies. Lots of long-read theoretical texts? Probably not what your kid needs.
How to choose the best homeschool program for ADHD by opting for flexible schedules
What should parents looking for the best homeschool curriculum for ADHD know? By all means, let your ADHD kid acquire knowledge conveniently. In most cases, they won’t be able to follow the pace of an ordinary classroom, and that’s completely okay.
Your homeschool curriculum should pay special attention to troublesome points and focus less on what your kid grasps easily. It should avoid the trap of continuously practicing strong topics. Instead, let learning stay what it is — the way to acquire new knowledge.
What is the best homeschooling style for ADHD?
The best homeschool curriculum for an ADHD child usually includes hands-on learning and movement activities provided through online learning practices. As highlighted by the research from Claudia Freedman, Dominican University of California, physical activities like yoga, movement breaks, and kinesthetic learning can help children with ADHD improve:
- Focus
- Impulse control
- Overall emotional regulation
Below, I’ve collected the top 5 programs best suited for kids with ADHD.
Best homeschool curriculum options for kids with ADHD
Brighterly homeschool math curriculum for ADHD
Age group: 6-14 years
Best for: students in grades 1-8 looking for professional support
What is Brighterly?
Brighterly is a 1:1 math tutoring platform widely known for its personalized approach and customized learning schedule. It is the best place for kids and parents who want the tutor’s full attention. That’s why it’s also the best homeschooling curriculum for ADHD and other special conditions.
Below, I’ve prepared a detailed guide to help you deeply explore Brighterly features.
Brighterly homeschool math curriculum for ADHD: features
Note! Brighterly math tutors allow kids with ADHD to learn math at their convenient pace which is a pillar of their academic success.
One-to-one learning process
Remember we discussed the importance of complete concentration and task variety for ADHD kids? Brighterly online math tutoring for the American audience puts your special child at the center of the learning process and guarantees that the teacher focuses exclusively on their needs.
Unfortunately, math is one of the most challenging subjects for kids with ADHD. All because it requires intense concentration and focus — the main learning issues of all kids with the specific condition.
When working in a one-to-one format during Brighterly lessons, the teacher controls the kid’s actions, reactions, and responses. They regularly joggle exercises to guarantee the highest engagement levels and productivity. What makes Brighterly the best homeschool curriculum for kids with ADHD is its gamified tasks. Sure, your child won’t get bored while completing them.
One more pro point concerns Brighterly experienced tutors, who undergo specialized training before they are allowed to work with ADHD kids. To get matched with the best teacher, you just need to specify your child’s condition when completing their diagnostic test — the system will do the rest automatically.
Accent on personalization
Brighterly math program is all about personalized studying and a tailored approach to match each child’s requirements.
Undoubtedly, special kids with ADHD need a unique attitude. That’s just what Brighterly offers! Check out what our clients have to say in this regard:
But how does Brighterly achieve this inclusivity? Well, before registering, you must complete a specialized test to help the platform understand current needs, knowledge, and learning objectives. This information allows it to create a Brighterly math program that perfectly aligns with individual goals.
But the process doesn’t stop there. As your child studies at Brighterly, they reveal their learning style and pace and show some achievements. Throughout this time, Brighterly math tutors constantly adjust their curriculum in accordance with the new data they receive.
Free resources
If you’re up for a bit of math practice to keep your child’s brain engaged but don’t know where to start, Brighterly offers a wealth of fun and bright tasks.
As we’ve already clarified, your child’s academic success depends predominantly on how well you grasp their attention. To help you with the task, the platform has prepared tons of fun Brighterly math worksheets for your home practice. The best part? They are free, come in a convenient printable format, and have a correct answer section.
New to some topic or seeking revision materials? Brighterly has got you covered. Here, you can find in-depth guides on practically any math subject for grades 1-8. On top of that, you can immediately check your kid’s performance by taking math tests at the bottom of the theoretical pages. And yes, those resources are also provided for free, so don’t hesitate to try.
How much is Brighterly?
If you’re looking for the best homeschool math curriculum for ADHD available at a reasonable price, Brighterly can prove to be one. With some budgeting skills, you can save up to 37% of the initial Brighterly pricing cost. But let me dig more into it. Initially, you can adjust the number of months for subscription and lessons per week and see the price per lesson changing depending on your choices.
With a 1-month plan, you’ll be expected to pay:
- $124/month for 1 lesson/week,
- $211/month for 2 lessons/week,
- or $298/month for 3 lessons/week.
A 3-month plan allows saving up to 25% of the total price. The options include:
- $118/month for 1 lesson/week,
- $198/month for 2 lessons/week,
- or $279/month for 3 lessons/week.
A 6-month plan is an excellent option to retain up to 28% on the first price. Thus, be ready to pay:
- $112/month for 1 lesson/week,
- $186/month for 2 lessons/week,
- or $268/month for 3 lessons/week.
The budgeting champion listed here is the 12-month plan.
The cost of a homeschool curriculum for ADHD will help you save up to 37% of the price. How much to pay? Check below:
- $105/month for 1 lesson/week,
- $161/month for 2 lessons/week,
- or $234/month for 3 lessons/week.
Khan Academy homeschool math curriculum for ADHD
Khan Academy is known for its extensive collection of theoretical and practical learning resources, which are free for learners of all grades and knowledge levels. The Khan interface also comes with multiple language options, so in terms of its accessibility, it’s definitely the best curriculum for ADHD homeschool study.
Best for: supplementary learning practice to target specific math topics.
Khan Academy homeschool math curriculum for ADHD: features
Curriculum aligning
At Khan Academy, you’ll be impressed by the variety of choices concerning learning subjects and specific tasks provided for them. Plus, any Khan opportunities align with Common Core schedules so your kid can learn according to the generally accepted curriculum.
Besides, Khan Academy’s ADHD homeschool curriculum brings up a variety of tasks and exercises to suit any learner’s style. Remember we discussed auditory or visionary learners? That’s just what we’re talking about right now. Learn through interactive tasks, video lessons, or long reads with theoretical material — the choice depends exclusively on your kid’s style. That’s just the level of variety needed for kids with ADHD.
Constant mastery
Khan Academy strongly emphasizes the quality of learned materials over their quantity. It won’t force a student to move through the list of topics at an inconvenient pace. Instead, it will encourage them to develop an understanding so that the concepts are well-grounded in their memory.
Their secret of success? They break each lesson into tiny chunks mixed with multiple quizzes for knowledge checks and boosted self-confidence. Children with ADHD will find this approach especially beneficial as it allows them to move in small steps and see immediate progress. All these features combined, make Khan the best homeschool curriculum for ADHD for free use.
How much does Khan Academy cost?
Khan Academy’s homeschool curriculum for ADHD provides learning opportunities absolutely for free as it aims to make world-class education accessible to everyone anywhere. Another plus is that you don’t even need to create an account to access the lessons.
Time4Learning homeschool programs for ADHD students
Time4Learning was established back in 2004 and has continuously updated and improved its services for kids with ADHD. Lessons here are presented as fun, interactive activities ideal for grasping a child’s attention.
Best for: inclusive families with several kids for more social environment
Time4Learning homeschool math curriculum for ADHD: features
Multisensory lessons
Time4Learning homeschool programs for ADHD students are characterized by their broad spectrum of features and learning opportunities. To grasp the attention, the program pops up questions during the lessons which doesn’t allow their mind to deviate.
The studying process at Time4Learning always abounds with fun activities. Students will meet quirky characters and watch exciting cartoons for better memorization. Learning here is built based on the level of skills, not grades, so your child will have enough time for mastery — just what an excellent homeschool curriculum for ADHD kids should offer.
Core & supplementary curriculum
Time4Learning is quite universal in terms of curriculum types. You can use it:
- As a core homeschool curriculum
- A supplementary after-school program
- An extra learning resource
However, remember that, unlike Brighterly, Time4Learning won’t make specific curriculum adjustments to fit your child. Once you register here, you get access to their learning materials, which are unified for any learner. The good news is that this e-resource is suitable for kids of all ages — from preschool to high school graders.
Time4Learning cost
The pricing plans at Time4Learning depend on your child’s grade. Prepare to pay:
- $29.95/month for preschool programs and up to grade 5 curriculums
- $39.95/month for kids in grades 6-12
This e-platform doesn’t entail hidden fees and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee, which is quite convenient.
OakMeadow homeschool math curriculum for ADHD
This homeschool curriculum for ADHD invites students to enhance their knowledge in a convenient one-to-one setting. It includes a variety of learning opportunities, from project-based tasks to play activities and lessons that put a strong emphasis on creativity.
Best for: anyone seeking a creative approach targeted at adaptability and flexibility.
OakMeadow homeschool math curriculum for ADHD: features
Distance teacher-supervised school
OakMedow strictly adheres to state-accepted academic standards, making it one of top homeschool curriculums for ADHD. It’s also a reputable resource for registering to learn with your school district.
Based on this model, OakMeadow will provide personalized learning opportunities and guarantee that kids practice only with experienced tutors. All of their professionals have in-depth knowledge of how to create the best homeschool curriculum for ADHD kids, so you can be sure your ADHD kid keeps learning with a strong focus on their needs.
All the learning happens online. As the child progresses through the process, their performance is carefully analyzed. Then, they receive in-depth feedback and follow-up classifications, if needed.
OakMeadow can be the best choice for those high schoolers who want to receive a school diploma while studying at home.
Parent-guided learning
This learning model is ideal for parents who are ready to be deeply involved with their children’s studies. Here, you’ll have to act as their primary instructor, guiding them through the process and completing task checks.
If that’s the case, the top homeschool curriculums for ADHD at OakMeadow list a variety of inclusive learning resources, which can:
- Cover multiple subjects in a specific grade
- Focus on the exact specific subject, like math
Mind that all of the OakMeadow materials strongly focus on nature loving. So, your kid will explore inquisitive facts about nature, learn through it, and eventually fall in love with it. A noteworthy approach, what do you think?
OakMeadow cost
When opting for individual learning, the final price will depend on the very resources you choose to use (see the above screenshot).
If you’re looking for teacher-guided learning for your ADHD child, be prepared to pay:
- Up to $2,345 for an entire year math course
- Up to $1,555 for studying math during one semester
Abeka Academy homeschool math curriculum for ADHD
Abeka Academy provides the best Christian homeschool curriculum for ADHD. It comprehensively lists textbooks, video lessons, and other teaching apps. These resources add to the assertion that the child will eventually receive the desired level of education, matching state standards.
Best for: traditional learning with a strong Christian perspective.
Abeka Academy homeschool math curriculum for ADHD: features
Flexible learning options
Just like the previous e-resource, Abeka allows studying:
- Under constant supervision of an experienced tutor. This model also allows children to receive an Abeka diploma.
- Independently at home under parental supervision. In this model, students work according to the same curriculum, yet evaluations or diplomas are unavailable.
The best part? Abeka Academy allows you to combine the two options. You can combine learning plans and textbooks as you find most convenient.
Spiral learning
Abeka Academy is one of the top homeschool curriculums for ADHD. It has adopted a new advanced learning format based on constant reinforcement of the past material. It means children keep revising concepts to solidify and build on their knowledge.
The spiral approach is efficient because it allows kids to move from basic concepts to more advanced tasks appropriate for their age and grade. It also eliminates the risk of forgetting topics.
Abeka Academy cost
Abeka offers to purchase full-year math learning plans with the following costs:
- $490 + $60 (book kit) + tax — a course containing books and video lessons for kids in grades 1-6
- $430 — video-only lessons for kids in grades 1-6
Conclusion: Which curriculum is best for ADHD students?
Each kid with ADHD needs a unique approach and much attention from your side. Online homeschool learning proves to be the best method to help children with their learning journey. However, choosing the most suitable homeschool curriculum for ADHD students isn’t child’s play. Here are my final clues to help with your decision:
- If you’re looking for an extra learning resource with fun and rare tasks, check out Khan Academy and Time4Learning.
- If you are ready to guide your child’s learning while relying on tailored textbooks and online resources, opt for OakMeadow or Abeka Academy.
- But if you want your kid to be guided by an experienced certified tutor who develops an adjustable schedule based on their needs, the Brighterly Math tutoring platform is definitely the best choice. Don’t hesitate to check it out!